So this is it!
My very own salon! I am SO happy and proud of myself! Thanks to everyone that helped make this work, I couldn't have done it without my
Dad, brother
Mike, Justin, My father- in-law
TREVOR!!! and my wonderful
Husband Jeffery! We all worked very hard, painting walls, lifting up the carpet and staining the concrete floors, installing lighting, sink, and shelfs. It is a project well worth! I am so excited to finally work in my own space, and to be my own boss! I'm not going to lie, it is a bit scary, but I think the positive definitely weighs out the negative. I have already had a hand full of clients , & I am looking forward to many many more. Please come visit me! I am trying to put together a GRAND OPENING... we"ll see how that will work out, but I'll for sure invite everyone! I think it's cute!
Other than the salon... things have been great! We finally buckled down and purchased
Disneyland passes yesterday.. we are So excited to get those back into our lives again! Jeff starts school soon so we will be trying to get as much fun filled events in our lives before life gets even more busy! The salon has pretty much been taking up most of my time, trying to organize everything, and having 4 weddings this last weekend, along with my clients. I can't wait to get this going! Oh and sorry for the lack of posting... I have a good excuse!
YAY!! I'm soooo excited to come get my hair done there this week!It's so cute! Congrats!!!
Hey Pickle,
I'm excited for you that you have your salon, and such a cute salon I might add.....BUT I am most excited about your DISNEYLAND passes. It's about time. I can't wait until we can all go and have fun there together. Woo Hoo!!!
Congrtas sweetie. I'm so happy for you. Don't worry about getting clients.....what's that saying? "If you build it, they will come." It will happen.
Love ya,
Your MIL
Congrats!!! I'm so excited for you! It looks great from those pix you posted. I can't wait to see it. Where is it located?
love love love it!!!!
Congrats on both big things! Your salon looks great! We have passes too so we will have to go soon!
how cute, i love it! i'm so jealous..aw someday! ...so you have you passes hu?! dude, we are hitting up Disney very soon k!!
yay! im so excited for you nicole! I want to come see it for sure! and hey we have passes too, so lets go asap! love u
I absolutely L_O_V_E your salon. I can't stop talking about how chic and modern it is. I am so excited for you and all the ladies you're going to make so beautiful!! YAAAAYYYY
your salon is HIP AND CUTE like youuuu and i felt honored to be beautified in it! congratulations and good job!!! we need to get dland passes as well, it'd be way too much fun!
This looks SO cute! I love it!
Girl the salon is a total masterpeice!!! I love it like crazy! How did you decide what colors you wanted? You did a great job and I see tons of sucess in your future! xoxo
congrats! i LOVE the way your salon looks!!! would you come over and re-design my house now please?
Hey cutie,
I clicked on the link for katie and it didn't work. Can you send me a link when you get a chance, or just tell me what I'm doing wrong???? hee hee hee
Had fun today. Hope Jeff's leg is feeling okay and not leaving a big old honkin bruise.
Love you guys.
look how fancy you are with your own salon! congrats. i love the colors...the whole thing looks fantastic.
You salon looks great and thanks to you I'm loving my new hair color! The governor should totally hire you.
its sooo adorable! next time i am in town you are cutting my hair! fabulous!
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