

This is Kristina... she is pregnant & I couldn't be happier for her! Doesn't she look SO cute pregos!??? Kristina & I have been friends since freshman year in high school.. we have been through so much together, and I wouldn't change that at all.. we have such a great bond that will last forever! So MANY memories.. ha ha! It makes me laugh to even think about some of them... She is living in Georgia for the time being with her hubby Marcel.. but will move home in August to deliver her precious baby BOY COHEN! How cute is that name.. right!?  I am SO happy for her & Marcel. I love you Krissy... you and I will always be friends.. I guess this is  a bit of a tribute to you.. &  a Thank You for being my EME HOT GIRL! I love & appreciate our friendship SO much.... I hope we will be able to visit each other more often as well!!! Sorry I stole this photo from your blog!!  OH & the above picture is in Utah at her reception!!!


wilbergrivkah said...

ok, Nicole, When I grow up, I want to look just like you! My Gosh you are gorgeous! I love you so much and I miss you. Let me know next time you come to Utah. XOXOXOX

Ruth said...

Hey one of my friends named their boy cohen! Weird.

Kristina and Marcel said...

awe Pickle you're so cute! We dohave a lot of memories. Marcel still teases me about us being EME's! those were fun times... I'm so thankful for you and the many opportunities you gave me like joining the church. If I didn't have you as my friend to introduce me to the church who knows where i'd be. I probably won't see you until lil' Cohen is born but I'm still really excited. I love you!